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Ex-University of Gloucestershire student Matthew Carley centre stage for European Champions Cup final

All Areas > Sport > Rugby Union

Author: Roger Jackson, Posted: Friday, 24th May 2024, 11:30

The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium will host tomorrow’s European Champions Cup final The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium will host tomorrow’s European Champions Cup final

Former University of Gloucestershire student Matthew Carley will take charge of the European Champions Cup final with a glowing endorsement from ex-top referee Chris White.

The 60-year-old White, who is the RFU’s National Referee Academy manager, has played a big part in Carley’s journey to becoming one of the top officials in the world and is understandably delighted that he will be the man in the middle when Leinster take on Toulouse at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium tomorrow.

“He’s refereeing very well at the moment,” said Cheltenham born and bred White. “He’s enjoying his refereeing, he’s keeping it nice and simple.”

This is 39-year-old Carley’s first European Champions Cup final – White took charge of four – and White continued: “It takes time for referees to reach the very top.

“He’s been building towards this for a few years, you don’t get a European Champions Cup final unless you’ve had a very good European campaign.

“The players will know with him exactly what to expect.”

Carley, a referee at last year’s World Cup, is one of an increasing number of top officials to have benefitted from the University of Gloucestershire’s officiating scholarship within their sports scholarship scheme.

It was set up in 2005 by White and Andy Melrose, another former referee, with the aim of developing and supporting students who are interested in becoming referees in any sport.

Christophe Ridley, another top rugby referee, is also an ex-University of Gloucestershire student and a graduate of the officiating scholarship scheme.

Tomorrow’s game in north London kicks off at 2.45pm. Meanwhile, Gloucester tackle Sharks in the final of the European Challenge Cup, also at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, tonight (8pm).

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